Monday, January 27, 2020

The Perplexing Present

Confused By The Facts?

There are so many available sources for the truth that it amazes me to see people getting their information from Fox news.  Facebook and TV news basically repeats the same misinformation that is broadcast on Fox. 

Earth's ecosystem is on the brink of collapse and still there are people in power who feel the need to gain monetary profits by extracting and encouraging the burning every last drop of oil, chunk of coal and last tree. They are supported by people who are not willing to embrace a more nature friendly approach to life.

I recently read an article about Dr. Commoner's, "Closing Circle". Here is a look at what could have been introduced last century in a measured manner, but which must be our life's philosophy immediately, if we are to survive.

The Four Laws of Ecology:
  • “Everything is Connected to Everything Else.”
  • “Everything Must Go Somewhere.” (Also known as There is No Such Place as Away.)
  • “Nature Knows Best.” 
  • “There is No Such Thing as a Free Lunch.”
If you have time to read the article, 

Today is Music Monday, as usual. It is time for me to put together a playlist, run through the tunes, print the list and start preparing for the "Show". I may have mentioned this before, but I play guitar and sing for "old people". 😀

Also, dear reader, you may find enlightenment in another article I read this morning, 

Thank you for reading,


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