Saturday, July 16, 2016

Short Term Solutions

Are Ill Advised And Dangerous

While out taking pictures today, I saw a couple of scrub jays flying into one of the oaks SE of the rose bush bordered sidewalk. I heard a commotion inside the top area of the tree and out popped a humming bird who bravely and repeatedly dive-bombed the nest molesters.

I don’t know if the hummingbird prevented the jays from eating it’s young, but it was a valiant 20 or 30 second battle.

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I love to see the ferocity displayed by these tiny birds. It usually is enough to drive away most interlopers and competitive males.

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A surly, angry, wife beater who wanted to get even with his woman for throwing him out of their apartment in Nice, callously ran over as many people as he could with a rented truck yesterday.

“Sullen, gruff, unfriendly, wouldn’t respond to a hello”, his former neighbors said when asked about him by the gendarmes.

The investigation revealed that there was nothing to link him to terrorist organizations.

Republican presumptive candidate for president Trump wants to round up and arrest all Muslims! Republicans want to bomb somebody, anybody, and Fox news blames Obama and Hillary. Just another day in bizzar-o-land

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I’d rather watch hummingbirds than Fox news. Hummingbirds are real.

Today’s Video;

Vorticity (4K) from Mike Olbinski on Vimeo.

Vote Democrat - Save America

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Somehwere There Is An Election

Possibly Near You

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Day lily in Trader Joe’s parking lot

If you are running for office in the United States, there are some basic things you need to know:

Smile wistfully and talk about a better tomorrow, (with you in charge).

Smile disdainfully and shake your head a little bit when talking about your opponent.

Say a trigger word. Pause for effect. Say another trigger word. Look away as it that completes a sentence.

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South Street Rose

Here is a generic campaign video you can use as an outline for your own. 

Better yet, just edit this one by inserting your face instead of the generic face and use this already produced video. It’s the American way.

Good luck and if you win, I would like to be Ambassador to Switzerland.

Pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war - Othello

Somewhere There Is An Election

Possibly Near You

TJ Lily 2.jpg
Day lily in Trader Joe’s parking lot

If you are running for office in the United States, there are some basic things you need to know:

Smile wistfully and talk about a better tomorrow, (with you in charge).

Smile disdainfully and shake your head a little bit when talking about your opponent.

Say a trigger word. Pause for effect. Say another trigger word. Look away as it that completes a sentence.

An 2.jpg
South Street Rose

Here is a generic campaign video you can use as an outline for your own. 

Better yet, just edit this one by inserting your face instead of the generic face and use this already produced video. It’s the American way.

Good luck and if you win, I would like to be Ambassador to Switzerland.

Pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war - Othello

Monday, July 4, 2016

Independence Day

For Some Americans

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On the wings of a dove (pigeon)

Once again we celebrate our independence from England.

I have explored the backstory of the Fourth Of July in previous blogs. (If you like, you can use the Blogger search feature to read what I wrote).

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Hummingbird grooming

One of my favorite tidbits of history regarding the revolutionary war had to do with how we paid for weapons, powder and balls: We borrowed money from The Bank of England!

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Rose in bushy habitat

Thus began the formula that we still use today with the World Bank (members including the Bank of England and controlled by the U.S.), most countries have loans from the World Bank.

Those monetary debts allow our American Empire to exert a powerful influence on the policies and actions of countries around the globe.

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Patio rose

Tonight I will go out and pursue the perfect fireworks photo. Something that captures the savage beauty of bombs bursting in air without the accompanying death, destruction, and heartbreaking anguish of war.

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This rose looks like a confectioner's dream

Today’s Video;

Happy 4th of July