Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Coincidence? I Think Not.

Time, Temp, and Cyber Wars

Hubble Completes 100,000th Orbit, Takes Yet Another Breathtaking Photo

Hubble, without a doubt the most spectacular digital camera in the solar system, has completed its 100,000th orbit. To celebrate, scientists pointed the telescope to NGC 2074, a spectacular star birthplace 170,000 light-years away, right next to the Tarantula nebula.

For the last few nights/mornings, I have gone out on my balcony to see the meteor showers. I haven't seen "showers", but I have seen a few beautiful meteorites streaking across the sky. The "Showers", will continue for another week or so. It's very impressive and can be seen with the naked eye. The picture above is awesome. It is the same sky that I was looking at!

A couple of days ago, I was looking for something to read and found this book...

Tom Clancy Book
It's a story about Cyber attacks between Nations. I decided to read it...

Old White Man Reading On A Hot Afternoon

Hot Afternoon?
"Springboard", is an exciting story involving Chinese, American and French computer empires and government networks that are being "Hacked" and the data destroyed or corrupted, It was hard to put down, but I thought I had better go inside and cool off for a few minutes.

Comfortable 80 degrees inside
I looked at my computer and thought I would check the news and read my e-mail, so I put my book down and left the world of Cyber Wars, to see what was going on in the "real" world, and I found this...

Russia Calls Off Attack On Georgia – Cyber Attack Continues


RussiaGeorgia.jpgRussian president Dmitri Medvedev has called for a end to the conflict in Georgia, declaring that his country has achieved its military goals. But there's no cease-fire on the Internet.

Weeks before the invasion, there was a cyber attack on many of Georgia’s key government and news Web sites. Unless you're going to count the code-breakers at Bletchley Park and their ilk, the attacks marks the first time that a shooting war was coupled with a cyberwar,

But even after Russia called for an end to violence, the cyber attack continues: Two of Georgia’s news sites – and -- are still down as of 3 p.m. eastern.

Photo from the AP

How interesting. Coincidence? I think not. Stuff like this happens to me all the time. It's one of those gifts for which I thank God.

The Global Music Project continues, with Paul in Scotland, and me here in Redding. You can hear some of what we have done so far, if you click here.

Speaking of music projects, I will be making a bunch of CD's for the LMP Trio ,(Leona, Marian,& Phil), over the next few days and possibly overdubbing guitar on a couple of our songs. I really am blessed to be involved in a variety of music.
Living in the Now.

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