Sunday, November 23, 2014

Weekend Wrapup

In The Present

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Bird blends in

Fall colors, rain, blue skies, clouds, all here for our pleasure this November weekend.

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West northwest view

Friday, I had planned to sleep in until I at least got 7 hours of shuteye, but I got an early morning call directing me to go get some X-rays of my spine. I showed up at the Shasta County Health X-ray department, but their machine was out, on the fritz, under repair until at least Monday.

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Bright red driveway rose

The nice lady there, handed me a business card and a sheet of paper while directing me to head on over to MD imaging to get the X-rays done.

They were very organized at MD imaging, and thanks to computers, had my paperwork already and all I had to fill out was a simple release form.

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Not sure what color to label this pretty rose

Step 2 was a quick interview where I signed a couple more electronic forms on a touch screen monitor and the nice lady there determined what X-rays would be needed.

I no sooner sat down and my name was called. Off I went with an X-ray technician who took about a dozen pictures of my spine from head to tail. He was a nice person and helped me feel comfortable while I was turned this way and that to get the right angles.

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Afternoon suncatcher

When he was finished I asked for 2 8 x 10’s and 6 wallet size prints. I am guessing he hears that old joke a lot. At least he smiled in response.

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Hatchet ridge turbines

This has been a productive weekend for video’s and soundtracks. All sights around the Treehouse; Flowers, birds, squirrel, mountains, but mostly flowers.

I finally produced enough movie music tracks to arrange and combine selections of 1 min to 11 min instrumental tone poem stanzas so as to lay entertaining, supportive, but not distracting music under 3 new videos.

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Separating the candy from the trail mix

The flowers and views of the Treehouse in August video is 30 minutes long. I have recorded 3 soundtracks for this that I have not been satisfied with. I discarded them and used a combination of recent tracks that vary in styles and lengths to keep the eye candy flowing and interesting. I like it now.

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Pink and red bud by the transformer

I made 2 videos for November flowers and combined them on one DVD. I am happy with the music I made for them. I tried some new instruments and sounds including the comet Rosetta singing, ( which I slowed down to fit the pitch and rhythms of the tracks ), and a couple of fun drum and sound effect Apps I played on the iPhone. That combined with guitar, bass, drum loops and keyboard makes for an interesting 11 minute section of soundtrack.

I recorded another instrumental track for a song that is about 5 min long. For that one I stayed with the traditional drum loop, guitar, bass, keyboard combo, and by leaving off the vocal, it makes good soundtrack material.

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Shasta on Sunday afternoon

California added 42,000 new jobs just last month, and our nation’s economy continues to improve, too. If we stop burning oil and coal, we just might be okay 50 years from now.

Today’s Video;


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