Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It Looks Like


Local weather information.

We had some rain yesterday and today.

The TV weather guys went nuts.

I remember when
we used to get rain. Now, every drop is a weather event requiring constant bulletins and storm watches.

I found a really good site
for weather. It is entertaining and very precise. It will give hourly forecasts, days in advance, for specific locations. I know that when I play and sing at 10AM on Saturday, it will be cloudy, 20% chance of precipitation, 70 degrees, and the wind will be from the north east at 2mph. By 11AM, when I am finished performing, the wind will be 4 mph.

These are moot points
because I am playing in the Shasta Mall, but it's good to know in case I get a chance to go to the Benton Airpark to see the experimental aircraft at noon.

Remote Mic Solution

HD video cam and digital voice recorder used in test.

I continue to test the new camera and how I can apply it to my communicative arts and endeavors. I did an experiment with audio that stays with me as I move around at different distances from the camera. It worked, and I put it on YouTube. Remote Mic Test

Since my new videos
are attempting to be HD, I am very critical of the posted video experience. To assist me in examining the quality of my published videos, I sometimes upload to BlipTV to compare results. Here is the video at BlipTV. Mic Test Video.

I can see and hear a difference. Do you?

Halloween Pet Costumes

These dogs look like they just love Halloween.

I found this...

...and many more cartoons at

Today's Relatively Appropriate Video;

Domino Theory


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