Saturday, April 19, 2014

Time Flies Like An Arrow

Fruit Flies Like A Banana

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Wild Onion

I am not sure who to attribute that proverbial twist to..maybe Groucho Marx?

Amusing word play is not one of my forte’s
Yet, I manage to trip on some that appear to
tickle my funny bones or ring in my ears

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Magic Garden Iris

Today while I lay napping
I awoke to not so gentle rapping
banging and tapping
whacking on my chamber wall

A giant woodpecker at first I muttered
Into the hall it must have fluttered
Just outside my chamber wall

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Quiet Moment In Birdville

I arose from my repose
stumbled to my clothes
on the chair, creased and crumpled
where out of them I fumbled
‘not long ago’ I mumbled
donning them once more
so I might step outside my door

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Latest Transformer Rose

Not a feather or wing did I spy
with hair askew and squinty eye

It was not a bird, but a hanging
that I had heard a banging
whacking and clanging
outside my chamber wall

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Tiny flowers on a bush

It was Kathern and my neighbor
who had hung a picture in the hall
to be admired by all
who passed outside my chamber
just outside my chamber wall

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Red rose and Treehouse tree

Will I try to plough another row
in the cultivated fields of Poe?

Today’s Video;

Happy Easter

1 comment:

Margaret said...

What Fun you have with your mind and imagination.
Ever More.