Friday, February 27, 2009

After Extraction Thoughts

Honey vs sugar vs HFCS

Making Honey

Making Sugar

Making HFCS

Honey is all natural.

Sugar is just the boiled
juice of plants, but is missing some key ingredients for healthy eating.

Table sugar lacks minerals and vitamins (hence it's been often called empty calories), they draw upon the body's nutrients to be metabolized into the system. When these nutrients are all used up, metabolizing of undesirable cholesterol and fatty acid is impeded, contributing to higher cholesterol and promoting obesity due to higher fatty acid on the organs and tissues.

Both sweeteners contain glucose and fructose. However, for sugar, in the process of manufacturing, the organic acids, protein, nitrogen elements, enzymes and vitamins in the sugar cane are destroyed, whereas honey, a natural sweetener, subjects only to minimal heating. Also, honey has certain beneficial antioxidant and antimicrobial properties which are not present in table sugar.

Sugar, however, is nowhere near as detrimental to our health as HFCS. (High fructose corn sweetener).

From Wikipedia;
The process by which HFCS is produced was first developed by Richard Off. Marshalle and Earl P. Kooi in 1927.[4] The industrial production process was refined by Dr. Y. Takasaki at Agency of Industrial Science and Technology of Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Japan in 1965–1970. HFCS was rapidly introduced to many processed foods and soft drinks in the U.S. from about 1975 to 1985

Archer Daniels Midland ,manufacturers of HFCS, began in the late 1970s to finance a lobbying effort to strictly limit the amount of foreign sugar that could be imported into the United States. In 1982, President Ronald Reagan, signed into law draconian sugar quotas that remain in effect to this day. (The free-market champion must have felt sheepish signing this blatantly interventionist act.) The domestic price of sugar immediately spiked, and food manufacturers -- including, crucially, soft-drink bottlers -- quickly began substituting HFCS for sugar.
HFCS is cheaper than sugar.

That's why manufacturers began putting it seemingly in everything -- and U.S. sweetener consumption boomed along with obesity and diabetes rates.

Whoa, that's enough! I can see where this is going. I have enough information to form a relatively educated opinion;

Honey is made by bees.

Sugar is made by boiling beets, or cane.

HFCS is made by a corrupt corporation.

That clears it up for me.

Bed Bugs?

Stuffed Bed Bug

Once again, bed bugs made the news. I read a good informative article in Scientific American where I found out they aren't just in beds.
The article points out;
"They are found in all kinds of furniture, electric appliances, clock radios, computers, printers, behind pictures, books and, of course, bookcases. They are found in cracks and crevices in the wall and within walls as well as in electric outlets, wiring, pipes, plastic and metal conduits."

They explained a couple ways to find out if you have them in your abode.
Very interesting.

I wrote back in the comments section;
Happy Phil at 04:24 PM on 02/27/09
This might explain the tiny bites I sometimes get after
sitting in that nice easy chair someone gave me.
I will look into it. First I get some coriander,
smell it, bang on the chair, and if it smells the same,
bedbugs? Great.

$2,500 Car

The Nano goes 60 mph and gets 50 mpg

From the TATA car company, (The same ones that sell the car that runs on air.), is this new Nano. 8.5 feet long, 5 feet high, this $2,500 car will seat 5 passengers.

Like the TATA air car, it is not available in the U.S., but maybe the new administration will let us catch up to the rest of the world in saving fuel and money.

Speaking of nano stuff;

Nano Tube Radio

Click on the Image above for the link to watch and listen to Nano Tube Radio, or click the link below to just listen.
The first part of the song is noisy while they tune to the radio station.
Layla (entire song)
I am always happy to find another use for Fullerenes. This radio is one I didn't know about. Amazing.
"Courtesy Zettl Research Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California at Berkeley."

Today's Relatively Appropriate Song;

Bach's Partitia in E
Vanessa Mae
Comforting Thoughts

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