Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day


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Watching the agapanthus grow

The right wing conservative organization that calls itself the U. S. Chamber Of Commerce, (not affiliated with the United States of America), helped write and submit the bill that changed national holidays to Mondays. The Uniform Monday Holiday Act was signed into law on June 28, 1968 and took effect on January 1, 1971.

The Uniform Holiday Act of 1968 passed the House, 212-83, and the Senate by voice vote, without debate. “This is the greatest thing that has happened to the travel industry since the invention of the automobile,” rejoiced the president of the National Association of Travel Organizations. Front Porch Republic

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Pink rose cluster

The VFW stated in a 2002 Memorial Day Address: “Changing the date merely to create three-day weekends has undermined the very meaning of the day. No doubt, this has contributed a lot to the general public's nonchalant observance of Memorial Day”.

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One of them is open!

It really irked me when reading republican congressman Doug La Malfa’s newsletter in which he claimed he supported our veterans. He, like every republican, has voted against legislation that would have improved the lives of American Vets in any manner, since 2007.  

Of course there is the possibility that he didn’t read what was written in his newsletter for this (or any other) month. Really.

If you take the time to find newsletters from republican congressmen, they all read the same, word for word. They are written by the Republican propaganda machine and not by the congressmen themselves. It is infuriating.

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A beautiful Treehouse rose family

In other, less aggravating news;

The Phil Seymour Band made a change in drummers. Our drummer, E.J. is moving to Sacramento, so we tried out a new drummer on Sunday. He is really good, and adds a lot to our sound and tight rhythmic structure.

The Drummer, Mel and our bass player Mark, have been playing together in various bands over the past 30 years. He fits right in with our style and energy. Welcome to the band Mel.

Hat trick (Photo credit - Margaret Miller)

The duo P&P, Peggy Richardson and Phil, played Monday music for the Treehouse residents on this Monday Memorial Day. We had a rousing good time playing a lot of good songs, as usual.

Margaret took some fun photos and video. The image above was taken about 15 seconds into a 20 second long note at the end of “It’s Now Or Never”.

Today’s Video;

Part Of The Solution

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