Saturday, May 24, 2014

The World Keeps Spinning

Beautiful Days Keep Appearing

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Cloud shadow on Lassen

Today was cloudy, hot and humid. It reminded me of midwest and east coast Memorial day weekends at a lake or town swimming pool. In 1950’s Iowa, during thunderstorms we would have to get out of the city swimming pool. They didn’t want anyone getting struck by lightning while doing the backstroke, I guess.

If it turned out to be a tornado, we would get in a storm cellar and wait until it was gone. Then they would open the pool again and our yelling and splashing would resume.

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Rich Red Rose

I made a few new note cards this evening. I enjoy creating and printing these suitable for framing cards. If you haven’t visited the new card site, you can see it HERE.

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Retrospective Looking Glass Rose

I do enjoy the whole process from taking pictures to adding a bit of magic to the images, the design of the layout, writing something clever on the back, and getting the right color match and paper to make the pictures come alive in print. It is fun.

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Apple pie using new glass pie dish

Sandi and Stuart gave me a new glass pie dish on my birthday for my pie making experiments. I put it to the test and I like how much better the crust gets cooked when baking with a glass dish. Thank you to the Taylors.

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iPhone image of the glass dish pie

The iPhone camera works just fine for some types of pictures, like close ups and snapshots. I am happily surprised at the quality.

Most all the images for this blog, and various other art, photography, video and graphic design projects are done with my favorite camera, the Panasonic Lumix FZ35.

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Little bird in Orchard Foods parking lot

You may recall that the Mutual of Omaha aha moment traveling studio stopped in Redding and they videoed me describing my aha moment.

They sent an email today to let me know they had posted my aha moment on their site and on YouTube. So naturally it is ….

Today’s Video;

Fortune Smiles With Happiness

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