Sunday, October 9, 2011

What A Place

What A Moon

It was a perfect evening for the International Observing The Moon Day/Night. The pale gibbous moon rose into the blue sky above snow dusted Mt Lassen right on time. I, on the other hand, was a few minutes late and couldn’t convince the moon to go back down to just above the mountaintop. I will just have to be more alert tomorrow.

Of course, if all else fails, I can make an image of the moon rising anywhere, anytime, but I do like to get the natural photo every now and then.

Shasta Saturday Eve

One of the many enjoyable ways to spend the Columbus Day weekend is floating on a houseboat, spending the days roaming the lake and the nights at anchor in one of the many ‘private’ coves.

For me, this area is a photographers dream. The moods of the mountains and lakes are constantly changing from minute to minute as well as day to day. I can take pictures of clouds on a mountain, come home and load the pictures onto the computer, go back outside, and the clouds will have disappeared.

Then there are the digital photo editing programs too fool around with, too.

The Arboretum

I went to the Sundial Bridge the back way, through the McConnel Arboretum, on my way to the Occupy Redding gathering. The event was scheduled to occur from noon to 4p. I didn’t head over there until around 3:00.

This was my first visit to the Arboretum It was so fascinating and photogenic that I just wandered around taking pictures of the flowers, ponds, trees, and immersing myself in various groupings of trees, plants and shady atmospheres.

By the time I  got to the rally, it was pretty much over. There was a guy just holding his guitar, and a handful of people talking amongst themselves, sharing their points of view.

I pointed my view back into the wonderful world of plant filled serenity that I felt in the arboretum. They have a plant sale there this weekend. I may return and see if there is a plant that wants to come home with me.

Occupy Redding has another event scheduled for next weekend at Chase Bank. I noticed on Facebook that I know a few of the people who will be going. This may turn out to be a powerful statement to our elected officials, as well as to the 1% who would choose profits over the health and welfare of the American people.

There be goldfish in these waters. I have some closeups of the fish, and a whole lot more pictures to show you in a slide show of the arboretum, but I didn’t get the music mixed to my satisfaction, so I will have to use another photographers beautiful stop motion flower video. It is really wonderful, magical, and beautifully composed imagery from halfway around the world.

Today’s Relatively Appropriate Song;

So Much Beauty

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