Sunday, February 14, 2010

Spending This Valentines Day


Happy Cow

The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced Friday that livestock raised for organic milk or meat must graze pastures at least four months of the year.

Previously, animals were only required to have access to pastures, but were not required to utilize them.

Experts say the loose requirements allowed some feed lots to be certified organic, while never allowing animals to graze.

was one of many government agencies that was co-opted by former Monsanto employees during the Bush years, and like the EPA, was rendered ineffective when it came to regulating corporate interests.

It's good to see
these regulatory agencies becoming active again.

J. C. Boyle Dam

One of the dams on the Klamath river. (Photo - Jeff Barnard)

has tentatively agreed to remove this, and three other dams on the Klamath river. Ostensibly, this is to help restore what once was the third largest salmon run on the west coast. Some skeptics point to the owners, having been given notice that these dams are out of compliance with safety and health regulations, found it was cheaper to remove them than fix them. The cost savings for PacifiCorp became especially attractive when they found that if they allied themselves with saving the salmon, the EPA would lift the expense of regulations and fines for ecological damage while dismantling the dams.

What about the salmon?
The river, where the dams are located, is not condusive to salmon spawning, and the removal of these dams most likely will not affect the salmon run, one way or the other.

Childish Behavior

Many people have
the childish concept that humans are more important than other life on the planet.

This myopic view
of the world prevents them from understanding ecology.

It seems like an impossible task to get them to open their minds.

There is so much to be learned before they will be capable of seeing the bigger picture.

How can
we get them to realize that all lifeforms are interconnected, and that our continued existence depends upon controlling our avaricious destruction of natural resources?

You can
try to reason with them, but like children, they haven't developed the mental prowess to comprehend a world beyond their personal needs.

They will
embrace anything that opposes what they cant understand.

Do you
have any ideas on how to talk to childish adults?

Dick Francis

(AP Photo/Jim Cooper, File)

Dick Francis
, the best-selling British thriller writer and former champion jockey, died on Sunday in his home in the Cayman Islands. He was 89.
I have been
enjoying his racetrack related mysteries for years.
In recent years Francis wrote novels jointly with son Felix, including "Silks" (2008) and "Even Money" (2009).
I have read these recent books, too, and it is a wonderful legacy, that his son has the artistic scope to maintain the style and substance of the delightful Dick Francis novels.

Valentines Day

The best story I could find about valentines day comes from the Angola Press.

Luanda – The Valentine’s Day, February 14, is celebrated Sunday in several countries of the World as the lover’s Day.

On this day, it is celebrates the loving union between couples, with the main reference being the exchange of gifts, postcards and greeting cards, or expressions of affection and appreciation for the elevation of love, peace and friendship.

The history of Valentine’s Day dates back to emperor Claudius II. In the second half of the third century, the Roman Empire was involved in several military campaigns considered too bloody, leading to difficulties in recruiting new soldiers for the legions .

The men of the empire did not want to enlist with the army because they had their wives and their children and did not want to part from them. In order to resolve this problem, the emperor ordered that young men were not allowed to mate and marry.

Against this determination, Valentine, bishop of Terni, went on celebrating marriages for young lovers. He was of the opinion that men had no right to separate such beautiful feelings like love.

Yours Truly

In the act of writing today's post. 2/14/10

I feel fortunate
to be able to just relax and enjoy this day.

Today's Relatively Appropriate Song;

Happy Valentines Day - AutumnBrooke

Love Is Eternal

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