Sunday, June 30, 2013

More Good Things

From A Positive Viewpoint

Light, shadow, shapes and color

I went out to check the Saturday mail around 5:00 in the afternoon. It was a hundred and something in the shade, but that didn’t stop the bluejay from chasing the baby crow. They seem to enjoy the game and ‘play’ it often.

Sun singed petals

I suppose I should stop calling the crow a baby. It’s a year or two old now. I am not even sure it’s a crow. It could be a raven. It does both crow and raven sounds and behaviors.

Crepe myrtle blooming

I guess I think of it as a baby crow because it still calls for it’s mother to come feed it, and she still does. Maybe that’s the way it is. This awareness of my surroundings is somewhat new to me. I used to be so fully engaged in civilization based behavior that I only gave the natural world a cursory examination.

A mushroom pops up in the heat

I was a visitor, a tourist. I went camping and pursued other outdoor recreational entertainments. But lately I feel more like an inhabitant of this world.

A bit warm out there

I no longer see animals just as pets, or food, but as a community. Wild, tame, large or tiny, I feel a sense of kinship, or shared participation in living on earth. This is opening a whole world of amazing sensations and enhanced consciousness. I have a newfound respect for all life, including this living being we travel on called planet earth.

And they smell good, too

I want to add my congratulations and thanks to Wendy Davis and the 600 fine Texas women who prevented the tea party republicans from passing another piece of legislation against women.

Nature and art merge gloriously

It is so exciting to be developing awareness and appreciation at a scale that I hadn’t conceived of, or imagined possible. Knowing that there is so much more to life is liberating. Life is good.

And now, a liberated harmonica player...

Today’s Harmonious Video;

Breathing Music

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