Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Family Matters

Oh Brother

Jerry on the Sacramento river

My brother Jerry came to Redding for a visit on Sunday. It was nice to see him. I think the last time I saw any of my siblings, was nearly 30 years ago.

He showed me photos of his house and yard, complete with deer that hang out there. His place is north of Houston. Very picturesque.

2 honeybees

It was 89° on my balcony today. I raised the umbrella. Meanwhile, pollinators were flying around looking for any flowers that survived the snow we got last weekend.

Bumble Bee

There were enough of the blue daisy-like flowers still making nectar to attract a small assortment of bees. That provided some good opportunities for close up bee photos.

Mt Lassen

Lassen still has remnants of the December 7 snowfall. There is something inspiring and comforting about looking across the valley and gazing upon Lassen Volcanic Park. Some other members of our Treehouse family have said they feel the same way when they step outside and see the majestic and mystical mountains around us.

At the Treehouse Monday Jamboree (photo - Margaret Miller)

After the music, and while some of us were enjoying the cake and ice cream that Jackie served, Dean told me to look outside and see the moonrise. I did. Took some pictures, too.

Moonrise from the Treehouse patio

I had some fun with the picture of the moon from the patio. Later, I took a more detailed, accurate representation of the moon, with which I can try to see the Jade Rabbit, (Chinese Lunar Rover), that China successfully landed and deployed not too far from an old Soviet lander and rover from the 1970’s.

Long Nights Moon

I appreciate the poetic imagery given to this mission by the Chinese space program. The Jade Rabbit is part of Chinese mythology. And, with mortar and pestle, he pounds out the elixir of life for the moon goddess, Chang’e

The Jade Rabbit lunar rover, is cruising around in the Bay of Rainbows. Perfect.

Today’s Video;

Cosmic Cadences

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