Thursday, October 30, 2014

Wonderful Fall Day

For Taking Pictures

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Treehouse trees

The day began with mostly cloudy skies. Nevertheless the sun found its way through gaps in the gray sky to spotlight some of the colorful fall foliage.

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Lifelike color and light

It was particularly thrilling to have captured the very essence of the pink driveway rose as a ray of sunlight illuminated the coloring with the ideal combination of angle, intensity, and shade of light through the high clouds. It was a perfect moment and angle. Fortune smiled.

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At the Arboretum

My neighbor and friend Margaret packed her camera and we took a ride to find some fall colors to photograph here in Redding. The first stop was the Arboretum and a stand of colorfully brilliant trees.

After that, it was just a short ride to the river trail for a full series of images that included the scenic pathway and the Sacramento river. I am still sorting through the pictures I took and will display them in a future blog or on one of the photography sites that i use.

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Meanwhile back at the Treehouse

I expect Margaret will be showing her photos on her blog. I think you will find that she has an excellent grasp of image composition and her pictures tell stories.

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The evening moon was like an old friend

I enjoy this phase of the moon when it is visible from the afternoon into the evening. I was out running a few errands around 6pm and whatever part of town I was in, the view included earth’s crescent companion in the southern sky.

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Red velvet rose

In the fading light, I sometimes add a bit of flash to help define subjects. This evening produced spectacular results like the rose image above. It was a great day for photographing this beautiful town and the Treehouse views.

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Lassen Park from the Treehouse

Today’s Video;

Express Yourself

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