Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Every Picture Tells A Story, Don't It?

Sunny Day

Price of gas on this sunshiny day 10/6/08

Snow on Lassen from weekend rain storm 10/6/08

Mt. Shasta after weekend rain storm 10/6/08
I can see clearly now
Pictures From Bryan

Sue and Tikiman at the beach house before Ike

My sister Sue and Tikiman after Ike

The flag that survived Ike
My nephew Bryan sent me some pictures in an e-mail today. He took the "after" pictures last Sunday when they went to see the beach house in Crystal Beach, for the first time since the storm.
Thanks Bryan, the pictures are worth a thousand words.

The Adventures of Bat Girl

Bat Girl visits first public school in South Dakota

"Stay tuned for my next exciting installment."

Pictures of Mercury by MESSENGER

Mercury 10/6/08

Mercury 10/6/08
The NASA MESSENGER space craft will do another fly by in 2009, and then it will go into orbit around mercury for a detailed year long study.
Here on Earth
Watching Alaska's Glaciers Melt

Bye Bye Glacier

The Town Hall Meeting Debate
McCain had trouble remembering what Karl Rove told him to say, and tended to ramble without completing a thought.

Obama played nice with the crazy old man, and tried to clarify his own position with some specifics.

Since I put a lot of stock in logic, reason, and accountability, I must dismiss the republican ticket as insane, and totally unacceptable for consideration in the coming election.

Today's Relatively Appropriate Song;

The Kinks - Soap Opera -

Ordinary People / Sunny Afternoon

Be Kind to One And All

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