Saturday, February 1, 2014

Celeprating February With...

Images From January

Lassen on January 31st

While we're having 1 February, in China they're having an entirely new year.

Magnolia blossom on the day it rained a little

Gong Xi Fa Cai, everyone. May prosperity enfold you in this, the Year of the Horse.

If a close friend greets you with the phrase,“Gong Xi FA Cai”, you may answer with, “"Hong Bao Na Lai," (紅包拿來) which is "May I have the red envelope, please!"

Glad I could help.

Pie #16 Jan 31

I made apple pie number 16 on the last day of January. It didn't turn out as well as the 15 other pies have. However, I figured out the reason for the lack of magic in its taste.

Robin contemplates the idea of a new month

With the other pies, the thawed dough would tear and I would mold the pieces together in the pie pan by pressing and stretching. With pie#16, the dough unrolled as one circle, so I set it in the pan, put in the apples and folded the excess toward the center. There was no magic infused through kneading or shaping. It is still way better than bakery, or packaged store bought.

Speaking of “infused”;

Bill, E.J., Phil, John, and Mark

Last Sunday, Margaret Miller took pictures and videos of The Phil Seymour Band. That gave me some images to develop poster designs. Everyone I have shown the designs to, likes this one, (above), best. So, I will use this concept when I make a poster for the gig on the 21st.

Magnolia blossom soaking up sunlight

It's nice to know that Marian has her computer again. I always enjoy hearing from her when she reads this blog. Her comments and observations are very important to me.

Welcome back, Marian. You are the reason that I started writing this blog, back in 2008.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Today’s Inspiring Video;

A World To Treasure

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