Friday, September 26, 2014

Rain Rain Rain

At Last

Home sweet home

What a nice treat for the north state.

Like magic

I thought of a great item for a gift shop. It could be made with a strip colorful ribbon with velcro for fastening. Of course it would need an illustrative card (that’s where I come in).

Treehouse Rainbow FX.jpg
Thursday rainbow

The card would explain that the ribbon will make birds and animals happy.


Stair Well.jpg
Building A westside stairwell

Before leaving for work or a night on the town, use the ribbon to tie up the outdoor wind chime.

Birds and animals will be able to communicate without tinkling and clanging interference, and they will be more likely to hear warnings and the sounds of predators before getting caught. This will make anything else with ears happy, too.

Rainy Afternoon.jpg
Afternoon rain at the Treehouse

The sun is shining today, Friday, and all is clean and sparkly after the rain.

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Cloud hen

Today’s Video;

Natural Car Wash

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