Monday, September 20, 2010

I Treasure This

September In The Snow

Mount Shasta picked up a new coat of snow this weekend. 9/20/10

What a nice surprise. I was taking pictures of Mount Lassen from the parking lot this afternoon, and as I was at the top of the stairs on the west side of 'A' building, I happened to see that Mount Shasta was covered in snow!

What a picturesque mountain. 9/20/10

I grabbed my camera and drove up to Lake Shasta, near the dam.

It was a spectacular sight to see and photograph.

On the dam road with Lassen on the horizon. 9/20/10

I drove around the dam road to the other side where one can see Mount Lassen.

It looked really good, and with the Lumix TZ1 I was able to get some nice pictures.

Lassen from the dam road. 9/20/10

I was a little early for the moonrise while up on the dam road, so I headed back to the Treehouse.

Lassen and moonrise from the Treehouse parking lot. 9/20/10

I was so fortunate to be back home at the perfect time to get a picture of the moon rising above Mount Lassen.

Moonrise over Lassen. 9/20/10

I am so blessed.

I love this place that called to me.

Life is good.

Now, I get
to watch the 49er's on Monday night football.

Today's Relatively Appropriate Song;

George Carlin - Baseball vs Football
Wow, what a nice day

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