Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pictures All Around

Hurricane Karl

It is absolutely amazing what we can do in this day and age. Gone are the days when we just looked at the sky, sniffed the air, wet our finger and raised it up to locate the direction the wind was coming from, then guessed whether a storm was coming. We all can watch, follow, and analyze storms around the globe, right from our laptops and home computers. For better picture-ization click HERE.

Pre-Blues Extravaganza

Mark, Jeff, John, and me. (Photo - Kim Rapin)

I got these pictures of the band from the Shasta Blues Society, and Phil Rapin's Facebook pages. I had noticed Kim taking pictures, but until they appeared in my email, I didn't realize that she was putting them on the Blues Society Facebook page.

Sandi, her sister, and Dana took pictures and videos while we played. You can see some more pictures, HERE.

Jeff's drumstick is on the floor.

Moon Watching

Moon from the space station. Credit: Roscosmos

The world is invited to celebrate the first annual International Observe the Moon Night. And all you have to do to take part is look up.

Complete Article, HERE, and HERE.

On Saturday night, the moon will be 11 days old.  That is, it will be 11 days past new phase, four days past first quarter and 85 percent illuminated; an excellent phase and position for evening study. In binoculars or a telescope, about halfway from the center of the lunar disk to the terminator, you'll readily see the crater Copernicus, christened the "Monarch of the Moon," by English lunar mapmaker Thomas Gwyn Elger.

The weather forecast would have rain falling on the lenses of my binoculars and cameras, but sometimes the forecast can be different than the actual moment. I will at least look to see if the moon appears between the clouds.

Today's Relatively Appropriate Song;

Moonlight Sonata - Beethoven

Some People Are Looking Up

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