Sunday, March 17, 2013

St Paddy's Day

Happy Days Are Good

The Moon and Jupiter, this evening;

It was a great evening to be looking up at the sky. As the sky darkened, more celestial objects began appearing in that same area of the heavens as the Moon and Jupiter.

(In case you missed the last post with the link to information about what all those objects are; Story with more information.)

I didn’t have the appropriate equipment that would point nearly straight up and still be able to look through the viewfinder, or I would still be outside taking pictures of all the objects that shown faint and bright in the night sky.

St Patrick's day breakfast

In past St Patricks day posts here at Phil’s Place, I found some reputable sources that said the origin of the the name, “Corned Beef”, had to do with the peppercorns, but that may not be correct.

You can read this extensively researched article that reveals a different explanation for calling the beef, “corned”;

History Of Corned Beef

Now you know.

Mt Lassen on St Paddy’s Day

Another book of interest that I recently found at the library is called, “The Tinkerers”, by Alec Foege. The author explores the powerful effect that tinkerers had in the creation of the United States. He explains how and why it is the tinkerers ideas, machines, and science that make America great.

Today I noticed the first purple iris in Dorothy’s garden.

It’s like the first day of spring is only a couple of days away.

What astonishing opportunities we are given with our time on earth. I love this place.

Today’s Illuminating Video;

BBC Knowledge Explainer DNA from Territory on">Vimeo

Good To Know

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