Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Feed The Good Wolf

Ignore The Howling Of Negativity

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Full Milk Moon

Today my brother-in-law, Alan and sister-in-law, Julia, drove up from the Bay Area to see me and deliver Marian’s Hyundai gift to me. Thank you, Sauer family for all the years of enriching my life and enlightening my spirit.

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Another beautiful Treehouse spring rose

We had Cinco De Mayo lunch at Casa Ramos. That restaurant presents a delicious and good looking chile relleno, in my opinion. As such, I suggested that item with rice and beans and we were all happy.

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Pink family rose

We discussed many topics from iPhones to family and came to a unanimous agreement that watching anti-Democracy TV news, (Fox), and listening to angry, hate filled lunatics on talk radio feeds the bad wolf. We have better things to do with our time.

Magic yard sale flute

Just like the good food we we eat makes our physical body happy and healthy, it is important that the information we put in our being be positive, genuine and enriching.

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Nearly perfect red rose

We noted how we have lost some of our friends and acquaintances whose minds have been infected by the well crafted propaganda methodology of Fox news and talk radio. Their minds are dull, their anger palpable, their shallow well of information bitter, fearful and venomous. We don’t need that negativity in our lives.

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Tonight’s waning moon

Today’s Video

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