Thursday, February 3, 2011

Looking That Way

Lenticular Perspectives

NGC 3621, captured using the Wide Field Imager on the 2.2-meter telescope at ESO's La Silla Observatory in Chile. Story Here.

This afternoon, after recording John playing guitar tracks for a song project, while driving to Trader Joe’s to pick up some food items, I noticed a magical stack of lenticular cloud pancakes floating over Mt. Shasta.

I got the groceries, took them to my apartment and put them away before heading up Lake Boulevard to get some pictures of the flapjack stack, spaceship cloud over the mystical volcano.

By the time I got there the pancakes had dissipated, but a new lenticular cloud was beginning to form. While I waited, a couple of guys stopped to take pictures. I mentioned the lenticular clouds. One of the guys asked; “What are lenticular clouds”?

I explained that they were the kind of clouds that form right over the tops of mountains that look like space ships, flying saucers, or sometimes a stack of pancakes. They are called lenticular because they are lens shaped. The cloud never did rebuild into a stack of hot cakes, but it did make a nice shape and component in the above image.

Upon returning to the Treehouse, I took a couple of pictures from the east side second floor landing to show how Mt. Shasta looks from my ‘back door’. I could see Lassen through the leaves of the tree that stands close to the stairwell, so I took a couple of pictures from that perspective, too.

About an hour later, as I was leaving to go to a couple of meetings, ( and the Thursday blues jam), I pointed the lens westward and got another beautiful sunset picture.

Even though I didn’t obtain the perfect image of alto-cumulus standing lenticularis, today, I have a feeling that there will be plenty to choose from in the future, as long as I keep an eye on Mt. Shasta.

Today’s Relatively Appropriate Song;

Happy To Be Me

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