Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Early Birds

Get A Cookie

I was up with the birds, and the Trader Joe’s pie delivery, today.

My friendly neighbor, and photography enthusiast, Margaret Miller, mentioned how handy it would be to have 2 photographers at the duck crossing, down on Marina Drive. While one threw cookie bits in the air, the other could be snapping pictures of hovering birds.

What a grand idea that turned out to be. Thank you Margaret. The flying birds were really good at catching the cookie bits, and the walking birds were happy to see the bits that fell on the earth.

It was a great opportunity for me to learn more about using the new/used Lumix FZ35, and it gave me the chance to be among the first, (if not the first), to select a newly delivered Trader Joe’s apple pie before the hordes of hungry pie shoppers had their way with the stack throughout the day.

The Sundial Bridge is just off Marina Drive and always worth a photo stop.

There were plenty more birds to see there, on the water, and above.

It was a lot of fun, and I learned a bit more about how to get what I want from the new/used camera. When we got back, I went to John’s violin shop to try some test shots of the instruments. You can see some of them HERE.

Later in the day, I tried a few more experiments with the settings. I don’t have to go far to find perfect subjects to photograph. The sun was getting low. Light and shadow were providing excellent defining lines on majestic Mount Shasta. An ideal photo opportunity.

What could be better?

Eating the pie?

Taking pictures of Lassen in the sunset?

Watching the president on TV giving the state of the union speech?

Or, enjoying a video about a drop of water?

Today’s Educational Video;

Revolution ( Life Cycle of a Drop of Water). from chris turner on http://vimeo.com">Vimeo

Birds Eye View

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