Saturday, January 7, 2012

What's For Dinner?

Health And Happiness

In order for me to continue living a happy and healthy life, there are some things I must avoid doing even though I may have in the past found them very enjoyable.

Cooking is one of those things that I must avoid now in order to maintain mobility. The motions and angles and repetitive actions involved with preparing a gourmet meal can aggravate my structural damage, which will leave me immobilized and in pain until I recover.

“Doctor, it hurts when I move like this”.

The doctor says, patiently; “Well then, don’t move like that”.

But I digress. What I wish to share is how I’ve managed to eat a very healthy, tasty, affordable, and easy to prepare diet.

I can do some simple things like chop up a strawberry or a banana without any consequential discomfort. So fresh fruit has become an essential part of my nutrition.

When I add some ice cream, whipped-cream, and nuts, I have to say that’s a delicious way to stoke up on some healthy nutrients.

Under the circumstances, and living alone, I have had to find types of foods that are easy to prepare, and yet not processed so heavily that they lack nutrition.

There are some frozen foods that I’ve found to quite adequately take place of some things I might’ve made myself. The Michael Angelos’, small batch, vegetable lasagna, (pictured at the top of the page), is a good example.

There are many frozen foods that are just downright awful. The “healthy” frozen entrĂ©es, (particularly the Amy’s vegetarian items), generally taste like dirty paste, and seem to provide about the same amount of nutrition.

I avoid those, misleadingly labeled items, now that I’m little more experienced at eating frozen foods.

The advantage that I have is time. I have had the time to experiment by eating various selected food items for several months, or years, so that I can evaluate how it makes me feel. Does my skin look clear? Are my fingernails and hair growing at the right speed? Am I happy or depressed? Am I tired or do I have energy? Am I gaining or losing fat. What sort of bowel movements am I having, and are they regular? Does my skin feel greasy? Do I smell funny? Is my health improving or not?

If I find some unwanted effect is occurring, I can alter, and eliminate, some of the things that I am eating, and eventually determine which ones are causing the problem.

I feel very fortunate that I’m in a position where I can find out what is truly good for me.
Each one of us has our own specific combination of nutritional requirements, and the only person who will really know what foods are most beneficial are the observant subjects themselves.

Magical Morning

The breeze was a little brisk this morning, but the sky was a brilliant blue and the light caused the flowers to shine from within.

While I was taking a picture of this rose, (above), I sensed that I was being scrutinized by one of the animal denizens of the Treehouse Apartments environment. I focused my attention on the oak tree that you can see in the bottom left corner of that picture.

Sure enough, there was a robin watching me. It was one of the robins that I’ve been taking pictures of over the past few days, and it wanted to see what I was up to, this morning.

Today’s Relatively Appropriate Song;

Eat Well, Stay Well

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